Keeping Your Laundry Septic Safe – Pt. 1

washing machineMany households in the United States rely on septic tanks to dispose of wastewater and sewage. Many people in those households also tend to take their septic system for granted – until there’s a problem. Taking steps to make sure that you are doing your laundry properly can help you avoid a septic disaster. While we all know to separate colors and measure our detergent, there are a few things you need to do differently to ensure that your septic system is working in optimal condition.

Limit Loads – Try to limit the loads of laundry you do to one or two loads per day. If you have a large family and need to do many loads, spread it out over the week instead of trying to do everything in one day.

High-Efficiency Washers – If you are still using an older top-loading washer, consider upgrading to a high-efficiency washer. Energy Star-rated washers only use around 15 gallons of water per load, which is significantly lower than the 30-40 gallons a standard machine uses.

Limit Detergent and Bleach – Use minimal amounts of detergent and bleach in your wash. These items contain chemicals called surfactants that can contaminate groundwater if the detergent is used excessively. Use enough to get your clothing clean, and no more.

These are just three things you can do to help make your laundry routine septic-safe. In our next post, we will discuss more laundry tips courtesy of our septic tank service in Orlando.